

In her book, Human rights and schooling: An ethical framework for teaching for social justice, Audrey Osler covered design and implementation of human rights education (HRE) within local and global contexts, as well as for students ranging from childhood to university levels. One of the central themes that Osler developed throughout the book is a complex recognition of diversity while embracing solidarity in the name of social justice. Osler supported the development of her framework through examples from multiple contexts around the globe where HRE education has been implemented. These tangible illustrations from her experiences and research provided pictures of how narratives can be central to HRE and serve to strengthen alliances while recognizing diversity. The HRE framework that Osler provided gives support for school and community engagement towards engaging with social justice work. This is difficult work due to the prominence of dominant neoliberal discourses of standardization and accountability, but her book provides discourses of social justice that can transform schools and communities. Osler’s expertise in HRE and the range of her work make this book an important addition to HRE work.

camicia-review_HumanRightsandSchooling.jpg (42 kB)
Cover image of Human Rights and Schooling
