

There is an emerging trend of democratizing science and schooling within science education that can be characterized as citizen science. We explore the roots of this movement and some current projects to underscore the meaning of citizen science in science and schooling. We show that citizen science, as it is currently conceptualized, does not go far enough to resolve the concerns of communities and environments when considered holistically and when compared with more dynamic and multidimensional ideas for characterizing science. We use the examples of colony collapse disorder (CCD) and emerging trends of nanotechnology as cases in point. Then we justify three dialogical spheres of influence for future citizen science. As citizen science becomes more holistic, it embodies the responsibility of youths who are prepared to engage real concerns in their community.

Response to this Article

Matthew Weinstein, Schools/Citizen Science
Angela M. Calabrese Barton, Citizen(s’) Science
Caren B. Cooper, Links and Distinctions Among Citizenship, Science, and Citizen Science
Steven A. Gray, Kristina Nicosia, Rebecca C. Jordan, Lessons Learned from Citizen Science in the Classroom
