The article adds to a growing conversation that recognizes and supports young children’s civic capabilities, positioning them as citizens-now and not simply citizens in the future. They detail how three different classrooms sought to work with children to engage in social action on behalf of their broader community. This response wonders alongside the authors about how adults can best work with children to support their civic action and proposes that teachers engage children’s visions for a more just, humanizing democratic society. The article offers three avenues of action for teachers as they support children’s civicness: reflection on our views and experiences with democracy, educating ourselves in the traditions and histories of community organizing, and developing practices that involve children’s visions of society.
Response to Article
Monica Miller Marsh, Elizabeth A. Kenyon, Terri Cardy, and Erin M. West, That's My Voice! Participation and Democratic Citizenship in the Early Childhood Classroom
Recommended Citation
Payne, K. A.
Starting with Children’s Democratic Imagination. A Response to "That’s My Voice! Participation and Citizenship in Early Childhood".
Democracy and Education,
(2), Article 6.
Available at:
Included in
Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Early Childhood Education Commons